
uPVC Casement Windows Coventry

upvc casement windows coventry

Exceptional uPVC Casement Windows in Coventry

upvc casement windows coventry

Nothing improves the overall performance of your Coventry home quite like new uPVC casement windows. These stunning windows are an outstanding choice for homes of any age, from period properties to new build.

Our uPVC casement windows are styled along traditional lines with a modern twist – super slim profiles and state of the art technology!

Here at Armour, we offer the very best uPVC casement windows to our Coventry customers from the number one windows systems manufacturer in Europe. Read on to find out more!

Kommerling Quality

For the ultimate in double glazing quality, we work with Kommerling to provide uPVC casement windows in Coventry. These outstanding uPVC windows offer incomparable performance, and their style is exceptional, offering clean lines and a stylish finish.

Our superb uPVC casement windows really are of the highest standards and will benefit your Coventry home in so many ways.

uPVC Casement Windows Style

One of the greatest features of the uPVC casement window is its timeless style. The original casement window design was first used in around 1674, yet these fantastic modern editions look just as fresh and contemporary as if they were designed yesterday.

The stunning casement window can come with a range of decorative options, enabling it to suit both modern and classical homes. In fact, they are the most authentic choice for 18th Century properties. For new builds, they are equally as popular due to their clean lines and stylish appearance.

Our beautiful uPVC casement windows really will suit any home.

upvc casement windows coventry

Designed For You

Our uPVC casement windows come from Kommerling, which means that they are available in an unrivalled range of 44 colours and woodgrain finishes. Whatever type of property you have, our casement windows can be tailored to reflect its style.

These superb casement windows also come in either an ovolo or a chamfered style, giving you control over the complete appearance, enabling you to have double glazed windows that truly meet your preferences.

On top of all of this, we offer a superb range of accessories and hardware, so whether you are looking for an ornate, traditional look, or a modern, sleek aesthetic, our uPVC casement windows can be customised to be the perfect match.

Extreme Energy Efficiency

Our uPVC casement windows are designed by Kommerling to feature the very latest innovations in double glazing. This includes the well tested multi-chambered design that makes the uPVC profile exceptionally thermally efficient.

The profile works to act as a thermal barrier, trapping warmth within your home and completely eliminating draughts. This is then enhanced by the high quality double glazing, creating a uPVC casement window that provides superb energy efficiency.

Completely Weatherproof

For complete weatherproofing, nothing is as capable as the Kommerling uPVC casement window. The Kommerling range has been tested at 2,300 metres above sea level where windows were exposed for fifteen years to strong UV-radiation, freezing temperatures and heavy storms. Every aspect of these uPVC windows was in fantastic condition at the end of the test period and still performing effortlessly.

No matter what the weather does in Coventry, you can be completely confident that your home is protected when you choose these windows!

upvc casement windows coventry

Superbly Secure Double Glazing in Coventry

All of this proves the exceptional performance that our uPVC windows will provide for your Coventry home, but what about security? Any opening in your property needs to provide protection against intruders, or, it simply does not serve its purpose.

Our uPVC casement windows are designed to offer outstanding security. Every uPVC window we install is first fitted with high security locking mechanisms and shoot bolts to maximise their security performance.

Each window is also internally beaded, making sure that the glass cannot be removed from the outside.

This creates uPVC casement windows that will keep your Coventry home safe and secure.

Ultimate Eco-Friendly Windows

Nothing matches the Kommerling uPVC casement window for minimising environmental impact. These cutting edge double glazed windows are constructed from lead-free uPVC Greenline compound.

Greenline designed to preserve natural resources by working in three areas:

  • Supporting ongoing improvement of the window system’s performance and maximising the thermal insulation which reduces energy consumption and improves sound insulation.
  • Recycling the basic raw materials (uPVC, glass and steel) by reusing them in the production cycle. This works to improve efficiency as it uses fewer raw materials and less energy.
  • Optimising the use of raw material components creating an end product which is more styled and durable, ensuring longevity and also increasing the life-span.

Kommerling uPVC casement windows lead the way when it comes to environmental care.

upvc casement windows coventry

uPVC Casement Window Prices Coventry

For more information on the amazing uPVC casement windows that we offer, please do get in touch. Our team would love to chat to you about your uPVC window needs and offer our expert advice and guidance.

We can even provide you with a free, tailored uPVC casement windows price for your Coventry home improvements.

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